This was a pretty much a random day. I skipped my nutrition class which is my last class and I was with my baybeh and she wus cheating putting info onto her calculator. After her chem class, we hit up chipotle and grubbed. Oh, and I finnaly got MikeDash-E's free mixtape it slapsss. I ended the night at club21 which was okayyyy but I had fun cuz my cousin copped me a bottle of patron! hah
Ateh's birthday was pretty fun. We chilled at her house for a bit then left to Joe's Crab Shack which was pretty bomb. My homie Ben got me a drink even thou I was underage but hella tricked me cuz He charged me thou hahaha. All good. I was fuckin' with the long island ice tea. After that, we headed to DC's house and drank up. Everyone was pretty much on a good level. And my ateh's coworker chardonay was pretty goneja, theres a pic up there. Fun way to spend my sunday hahh.
Well my saturday started off slow just kickin' it with the niggas n shit. And eventually we went to Don's Crib to celebrate his birthday. Hellla draaaank and weed browniess shittt. Heres some pictures, and if your looking for the rest of the pictures go to my photobucket
Drinking leads to gettin hyphy leading to play fighting leading to niggas getting mad leading to niggas throwing 40's at other niggas. LOL and throw Don's grandpa waking up during all of this somewhere in the middle of that shit. Well happy birthday again to my nigga Don thou. It was fun while it lasted.
Sidenote; I used Juniors and Vicky's fisheye last night oh mannn. I want oneee
So I copped SF4 today, its pretty fun. I played for about 5 HOURS. O_O lol. AKUMA ALL DAY!!! Those pics are just some random pics I decided to snap before or after the matches.
I decided to stay in today even thou I know there's hella shit to do tahnite. It's all good tho, sometimes I need to take a break from kickin' it and think about my shit. No I'm not on that emo status, I just wanna have ME time hahhh. Oh yeah, and I did my first calisthenics work out with my cousin mike. He taught me all the basics. Shit, I'm hella sore tho... Hopefully we'll see those results before summa.
If your a fan of Street Fighter, your gonna love this post. Yeah, I'm talkin bout that old game you use to play on super nintendo early 90's. This was one of the first video games I ever played. I even downloaded Street Fighter 2 HD remix on the 360 not too long ago. I had a old post showing some pics of me playing as Akuma You should most def cop the new Street Fighter 4 on Ps3 or Xbox360. It makes the OldSkool player still feel the same old SF, with same old school moves but new integrated look and a couple new features. Yes, I'm a video game nerd. Heres a video of how it looks. AKUMA ALL DAY!.
You tryna get bigger/stronger/cut any of the above. Then fuckin' calisthenics is for you. My cousin Mike showed me this shit. Its a east coast thang thang comin' slowly to the west. I'm bout to learn the basics from him, then eventually get fancy. But forreals this shit is CRAZY! Forearm Strength+
So we we're spose to go to the city just to spend time together. It got canceled because the night before Karla was too blasted. Lol. Anyways we spent valentines day night at Justin's new pad. What better way to bless a new pad other than playing beer pong and kings cup? Oh and this lil dog that Justin's roomate has named bullet pee'd in the shape of a heart. Aw way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Hahhh
So we celebrated valentines early on friday the 13th at Fats in Roseville. It's a really nice restaurant. We ended up going to Ricky's after, but unfortunately i have no pictures. Ricky's was pretty crackin'
I'm not one of those dudes that are hella superstitious on this day. I just wanna go watch this movie Hah. Oh and I hope everyone who reads this has a great valentines day, Don't forget those box of rubbers with them flowers and chocolate, off top haha. I have a pretty big weekend planned ahead of me. And I'll most def have plenty of pics.
I also wanted to show yall this video, I just think its dope. Jordan be makin su clean commercials. Watch it in HD by pressing the lil HQ button shits cuhhhlean.
Okay, im posting this a couple days early, on this rainy ass day. Well only because my girlfriend reads my blog once every 40 years. I bought the hellokittyxmac plush doll also this makeup bag for my gf for valentines day. Look at all you females all like "awww, i want that shit" unless you already copped for yourself LOL. I think this gift is the shit off top. Can anyone say boyfriend points? hahaha jp Oh and my bed was wet cuz the bag was wet due to this stupid ass heavy rain. So don't think nasty Lol Heres some pictures of the things I copped
For your entertainment... My Gf fuckin' video'd me sleeptalking. YES, I sleeptalk ever since I was little. Theres another video, which is uploading at the moment, so it'll be up later!
So the highlight of my day was going all the way to Thunder Valley to eat... And wait there for an hour while my mom played some slots. Can you believe she spent two bills in less than an hour. Holy Shit. I recorded some pretty random videos of me and my baybeh posted at Starbucks inside Thunder Valley.