First of all my day started off by wearing the wrong clothes, not even wearing a hoodie and my hat ended up being SOAKED in rain. It was a pretty gloomy day all day.
I was pretty much wet all day long. And the clouds were fuckin ugly.
I spent some of my time in the libary where I see my nigga Ayjay snoozin' while studying again.

But in the end, my day got better. Me and my baybeh got home and I brought up the idea to my moms about the Lil Wayne concert which so happens to be on my birthday, March 30 if you didn't know. And with eaze she says "okay" and me and Karla were hella happy! So Lil wayne, Tpain, Gym Class Heroes, and Ms. Keri Baybehhh March30 HERE WE COME!